Olga Romanova Art

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Everything But Arms

Penza Art College

Penza Art College was created by the personal funds of the Penza Lieutenant-General N. D. Seliverstov, who has bequeathed to Penza town three thousand rubles, and his entire collection of books and paintings "for the establishment of the Drawing School."
The first director of the college was a famous artist, an  academician of painting Konstantin Savitsky. He made a number of changes to the layout and design of the building and he developed a training program that largely resembled existed before the reform program in 1891 the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.
In 1955, the college was named after Mr. Savitsky. There are four specialties in the college:
1. Painting (4-5 years) - prepares teachers of drawing and sketching for schools and children's art schools;
2. Decorative-design (design) (4 years) - prepares graphic artists (designers);
3. Sculpture (4-5 years) - prepares sculptors artists;
4. Theatrical-decorative (4 years) - prepares theater artists.

P.S. Penza Art College is the place where I was happy :)

Friday, July 11, 2014

My modest achievement :)

My works in the OSTWIND magazine
I am like Sisyphus in the modern world. I would like recognition as a talented artist but my efforts are vain. I see it's Sisyphean labour to dash against the rock of incomprehension. But I continue to fight.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Valentin Massov

Valentin Massov was born on April 11, 1937 in family of a doctor. His father Pavel Massov was killed in the Great Patriotic War in 1942. His mother Ekaterina Massova died in 1939. Valentin Massov was brought up in the children's home.
Valentin Massov tells:
- I was four years old. My elder brother got as a present the coloured pencils. I took those pencils and told him: "I'll not give back!" And my mother's sister, my dear person (she was a prayer-woman), said: "Don't touch him, he will be the artist."

Valentin Massov entered to the Penza Art College in 1953. His ideal in Art became Velasquez - the great Spanish painter.
In 1955 Valentin Massov met with Arcady Plastov - the academician of painting. Having looked his works he said: "The God has given you spiritual vision of the world. Do work anyhow and don't listen to anybody. There are many vandals in the art in our time."
This meeting has affected on the further creative development of Valentin Massov.
Valentin Massov tells:
- I have didn't understand Plastov's words for a long time. But the more you'll love the more you'll congnize, and the more you'll cognize the more you'll love. It is development. In 1962 I met with very interesting critic. She said: "You are very talented artist. But your art is constructed on feelings. And when feelings will come to the end. What will you do?"
" I would like that all artists lose the opportunity to work, when them feelings will come to the end. Then would be no the bad pictures," I answered her.

The autumn 1962 Valentin Massov had a creative trip to Kuban. The necessity of this trip was after the exhibition of Renato Guttuso. After the exhibition he has realised Plastov's words: "You must work anyhow and don't listen to anybody." Kuban, a new nature, the new conditions, a beautiful autumn have opened the new possibilities to him. He was working 2 years (1962-1963) in this condition. But when he declared as an abstract artist and a formalist, (remembering words of Plastov), he became to work a watercolour.
The whole of September 1970 Valentin Massov was travelling across Kirghizia. From this time he has begun to open the art of watercolour for himself.
 Valentin Massov tells:
- I met with Alexander Myzin - the professor of painting in 1972.
" Your soul and Dionisius artist's soul are related. You'll give a new impulse in the art," he said me.
The words of A. Plastov and A. Myzin were always with me.

In 1975 Valentin Massov was accepted in the Union of artists by the recommendations of the artist Vitaly Gojaev and the academician of art criticism Michel Alpatov.
In 1977 Valentin Massov was in Moscow. There were many people which liked his works there. They have made a meeting with the artist Oleg Tselkov. His opinion was very significant for them. When Oleg Tselkov has looked his works, he said: "You make what nobody has made yet, all that was left by the art on the Earth."
Valentin Massov tells:
- The importance of the words of Oleg Tselkov I understood only after 1979 - the year of my revelation.